What do you want to know more about in Tokyo?

I'll be updating as often as I can, or at least until I get bored. That's where you come in!

Please comment!! Questions, rumors, stories, news, suggestions, bribes, whatever you want to share...this is how I'll be keeping in touch with the folks back home!!

Thursday, April 14, 2011


So I signed up for a Spanish class - in Japanese.  I can't wait!  It sounds impossibly awesome!

Apparently deoderant is a rare commodity here in Japan.  It's not even 70 degrees out, and ... well ... you can tell people don't wear it.  And the deoderant they do have SUCKS.  I bought some here and it doesn't work for shit!!  I swear I take a shower and about 2 hours later I need another one.  Jebus.  I'm like that stinky foriegn kid that no one talks to, only everyone else stinks too and people talk to me...so nevermind.

Did you know that your diet changes your smell?  You know, your eu de you.  It seems almost everything here has curry seasoning in it (all the meat, the ramen, etc.) whether you taste it or not.  And I've noticed that from the change in diet, my skin has started to smell different.  It's kinda curry-er-y.  With just a touch of stank.  I wonder if my dogs would recognize me!  I don't!

Also, I've lost like 5lbs. since arriving!!  Transportation relies heavily on walking from (train) station to station, and quickly.  I have had more interval training running up stairs to catch trains than I think I've ever had the gumption to do in a gym!   I have been wearing my Sketcher ShapeUps too, so my calves are burning by the end of the day.  It's AWESOME.  Pretty soon I'll have super butt.  Maybe I'll wear an "SB" cape.  Hah!  As if I don't get stared at enough!!

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